We provide a dynamic information system unique to each product. During the manufacturing process each product is labelled with a unique QR-code linked to a TRACID information portal. Creating a dynamic Digital Product Passport.
Now product information can be viewed easily when scanning the QR-code with a mobile device to navigate to the online product information portal. The standard weblink and QR-code can also be used in websites as a standard online reference point.
Our technology allows a manufacturer to setup a product information portal that is unique to the individual item sold, creating a bespoke dynamic way of handling information. Disrupting traditional ways of managing product information.
Updates about the product can be released after it has been sold. Customers can provide feedback directly to evaluate product satisfaction and future user needs. And the entire journey of a product can be captured working with partners from sales to end-of-life for traceability and circularity management.
We provide a shared user environment to work with life cycle partners to jointly make products more sustainable and circular. To enable digital trust in exchanging information we rely on innovative decentralised authentication solutions, to make sure only trusted partners can access and manage particular product information.
Our solution is scalable, robust and cost effective, able to handle large quantities of products and their data on the cloud, with integration possibilities for ERP, PLM and SCM solutions for automated management.
Whilst the EU regulations for Digital Product Passports has been agreed, specific information requirements are still under development for each product category. To ensure our solution is futureproof for EU regulations, our software has system flexibility to tailor the information that can be deployed in our product information portal, in terms of product characteristics, descriptions, and documents. We also closely follow the future legal requirements for manufacturers.
Our technology allows for deploying Decentralised Identifier (DID) web technology in authenticating organisations and product information, for added security over centralised identifiers like emails or usernames. Access can be provided only to partners with a digital certificate which is verified using a cryptographic process, to create digital trust in working with partners across the life cycle. The solution also extends to sensitive information to ensure tamper-proof data security. Blockchain solutions can also be introduced to further ensure immutability as needed.
To support customers we are investing strongly in interoperability in our technology for exchanging information. Needed to support interoperability with future consumer mobile APPs for Digital Product Passports, reduce the risk of vendor lock-in, and enable modern cloud micro-services communications with a wide range of service providers and partners IT systems.
Our interoperability capabilities allow us to manage product information in specific data formats linked to manufacturer ERP and PLM systems and supply chain data solutions, such as the Partnership for Carbon Transparency standard for exchanging Scope 3 emissions data across value chains.
As part of our investment we are collaborating with 50 organisations in the EU funded CIRPASS-2 project that seeks to solve the problem of ensure a common Digital Product Passport system for all industries compliant to future regulations. We are closely following the upcoming EU DPP system development including information standards under development by CEN-CENELEC JTC24 and other standardisation committees. To be ready to interface with the central Digital Product Passport registration portal planned for launch by the EU commission in 2026, where TRACID DPPs will need to be registered alongside those of other vendors.